Let's start with the simple fact that I work in development. I was told that the end of the year is a busy time in the world of nonprofit development, but I had NO IDEA it would be quite this hectic. Between special events, extra logistical maneuvering, a higher volume of routine processing, and the office Advent festivities, there's been so much happening that trying to write a blog post on top of that just felt like too much. But it's all been good stuff, so I can't and won't complain.
The fact that it's Christmastime keeps eluding me, though. I know it, as I sit here in the soft glow of the icicle lights that line our fireplace, but the days keep flying by so quickly that I barely know where I am in the week, let alone in the timeline of an entire year. A few weeks ago we hit the three-month mark -- a quarter of the way through this internship already -- and it stunned me. How did that happen?!
Whenever I reach milestone points, however small, I like to take some time to reflect on the part of the journey that's passed, and in doing so now, I've spent a lot of time lately being grateful. Appropriately, it really kicked off with the Thankathon -- an entire week of reaching our to our donors to thank them for making it possible for Sojourners to do the work we do. The whole experience confirmed for me how awesome it is that I get to interface with the people I do in my position (Seriously, guys, our donors are such cool people, and we're so lucky to partner with them. You have no idea.). Follow all of this with the fact that I share a house with nine bright, passionate, talented, and fun-loving people. I have the blessing of engaging in remarkable conversations -- whether in the cubicle or around the kitchen table -- with them every day. Since joining them here, my life has been rich in laughter, challenge, and adventure, and I am so tremendously grateful for that. Add to all of this the rest of my wonderful work community and the endless assortment of interesting (and free!) things to do in DC, and it makes for a lot to be happy about.
Do I want to work development forever? I'm pretty sure that's a no. Do I want to live in DC forever? I don't think so. But am I happy to be here right now? Absolutely. In a season of the year when we think a lot about what we want, I can say that what I have where I am right now is enough -- in fact, it is far more than enough.
So yes, very much alive and loving it!
On a totally different note, I want to put in a plug for Annie Bethancourt, who we hosted for a house show back at the beginning of September. She's really good at what she does, and I can vouch for her being a really cool, down-to-earth person.
Lastly, the interns' headshots are finally up on our staff bios. If you haven't already, go meet my friends (we're at the bottom under the group photo)!
Wishing a happy holiday season to all of you -- and a peaceful post-finals season for those who just weathered the storm (heeeeeeeey CTS people). :) Hope each and every one of you is well!